Earlier this week, my bible study found
me in 1 Kings 3, the story in which King Solomon asks for wisdom.
Many know this story in only that brief description, but reading it
this time around, something stuck out to me that I hadn't noticed
before. Verses 1-15 tell of how God came to Solomon in a dream,
offering him to have anything he desires. Solomon, however, did not
answer the way one might expect the twenty-year-old king to respond.
He didn't ask for wealth or power or the most beautiful woman in the
country. No, Solomon didn't ask for any of these things; instead he
asked for discernment so that he might rule well. In return, God
granted him not only the discernment he asked for, but also so much
wisdom, that he will forever be known as the wisest man who ever
This is the story that most of us know,
but what stuck out to me was not what he asked, but how he asked it.
Take a look with me at verses 7-9:
“Now, O Lord my God, You have made
Your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little
child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is
here among the people You have chosen, a great people, too numerous
to count or number. So give Your servant a discerning heart to govern
Your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is
able to govern this great people of Yours?”
It was common during biblical times in
the Middle East to refer to yourself as “your servant” when
addressing someone of higher political/social standing or someone
who, at least in this moment, has the authority to accomplish
something with which you are incapable of. So this sign of reverence
and respect was not unique.
What is
unique about Solomon's request was how he humbled himself further by
calling himself a “little child” and recognizing that he is nothing more than a steward of what God has given him by referring to Israel as
not his people, but
the Lord's. In this way he removed himself from the place of control
and put God in control of the situation instead. He basically said,
“Look, You put me over these people, but they are not mine; they
are Yours. Now guide me in what I must do so that I might lead these
people in a way that is pleasing to You.”
Between moving to a new apartment,
starting a new job, getting engaged, and adopting a puppy, I have
spent a lot of time recently not only thanking God for what he has
given me but also turning over my life circumstances into His hands.
This is big part of the reason I noticed this frequently overlooked
aspect of Solomon's request.
But just as with anything in the
scriptures, noticing something like this isn't what is important;
applying what you've learned to your life is what is important. Here,
we should follow Solomon's lead and not only recognize ways God has
acted in our lives in the past (having the opportunity to become
king, in Solomon's case), but also putting our current circumstances
in His hands with humility and reverence. Maybe that will be with your job,
as it was for Solomon, or some other big responsibility or blessing
such as school, or family, or an important relationship. Whatever it
is, we must do as Solomon did and say, “Lord, I did not get here on
my own, You had Your hand in it the whole time. I only have what I
have because You allow me to be a steward of it for this time—it is
not mine, only borrowed. Not my job, my home, my kids, my significant
other, or even my life. All of it has been given to me. You are
allowing me the opportunity to have influence with these people and
in these areas, so please grant me the wisdom to act in each of them
with grace so that I may bring glory to Your Name and bring others
closer to You.”
(For more of a look into times I have turned over circumstances to God even though it was difficult, read Losing Control.)